

The Industry’s Most Versatile Testing Product

Porosity, % Asphalt Content,Bulk Specific Gravity, Maximum Specific Gravity, & Aggregate Specific Gravity

Densities measured with the CoreLok® system are highly reproducible and accurate

The GravitySuite™ PC software package calculates and manages your data for ease of operation

One Machine for All your Gravity Measurements of Asphalt and Aggregate. ASTM D6752, ASTM D6857, ASTM D7063

An accurate method for Bulk Specific Gravity measurement. Bulk
Specific Gravity of Compacted Samples – Bulk Gravity Specification ASTM
D6752 and AASHTO T-331

Item 203.1006 recommended for pressure verification – Every 3 months

Includes all accessories including Water Tank, Basket & CoreLok Bags (Small, Large & Channeled)
